Effective Leadership

“I think any leader must jump in and do what's needed to make things happen.” - Dr. Brenton White

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Our guest today is Dr. Brenton White.

He is the Superintendent/ CEO of A+ Charter Schools with over 23 years of experience in education.

In this episode, we discuss the challenges of being a leader, the importance of education for underserved communities, how competition improves school performance and gives insight into teacher shortages.


  • “When people say, “Oh, you can't color trees purple.” the ones that persist continue to be artists. The others acclimate to the norm.”
  • “I think any leader must jump in and do what's needed to make things happen.”
  • “We have a lot of students who graduate and become teachers. And in fact, we have five teachers right now who were students.”
  • “Retention has a lot to do with culture and so we're trying to create the best culture possible.”

Where to learn more about Dr. White:

Where to learn more about Enrollhand:

Our website: www.enrollhand.com