The Rise of Impact Philanthropy & Why Schools Should Take Note
Venture philanthropy. Angel philanthropy. Enterprise philanthropy. Impact philanthropy. Catalytic philanthropy. Strategic philanthropy.
These are some of the names that are being used to describe the rise of a new kind of grant giving; one that goes far beyond the writing of checks and that is focused primarily on results.
It takes a deep and long-term view at yielding measurable social impact.
This is both a risk and an opportunity for schools.
On one hand, to be successful, your school will have to present grant proposals that are characterized by a deliberate focus on impact.
On the other hand, foundations are now actively engaging with schools, seek to understand what they fund and commit to their causes for the long term.
If your school can demonstrate concrete and long-lasting impact, you can realize multi-year, unrestricted and predictable funding coupled with the much-needed flexibility in using it.