This School Simply Wasn't For Her...

Her freckled nose was all wrinkled and crumpled into a ball, just like a scrunched-up piece of paper.
She'd just gotten home from school and was gloomy, AGAIN.
"What's the matter, sweetie," I asked?
"Everything..." she mumbled as she sat down at the kitchen table.This school simply wasn't working for her...

No ONE thing was problematic. In fact, on paper, I had made the right choice -the academics, the curriculum, the teachers, the administration, and the families were all fine.

It just wasn't a good fit for my daughter.
Now, it was November already, and switching schools would cause my daughter further frustration. We were in a bind.

This is exactly the pain point you are helping your families avoid.
As a school, it's your responsibility to explain to your prospective parents what's at stake. You must viscerally present success and failure, happiness and dissatisfaction.
Never assume parents will understand how your school can change their lives. Without clearly visualizing success and failure, your parent prospects have no motivation to take action.

The Enrollhand Enrollment Framework will show you:
✅ Exactly how to talk about failure without overwhelming your parent prospects
✅ How to breakdown and show the benefits related to enrolling at your school
✅ Whether to use short-term vs. long-term visualization in your messaging
✅ How introducing visual cues inspires parents to take action