Accelerating Innovation, with Sujata Bhatt and Anirban Bhattacharyya
Change is daunting. Change to entrenched systems and institutions can feel impossible. Even thinking about where to begin can be exhausting.
“I think the most important thing is to start with your students, parents, teachers, and community members and at every step to constantly communicate on what are their hopes and wishes and wants and needs. Starting with the users... has been a transformative process for many of the schools we have worked with... before starting any design process... so that the diverse voices of the community are present in the design process.” - Anirban Bhattacharyya
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Change is daunting. Change to entrenched systems and institutions can feel impossible. Even thinking about where to begin can be exhausting. For schools that are interested in remaining healthy and relevant in the 21st-century, Transcend brings resources, experience, energy, optimism, and support to the design process. We are joined today by Sujata Bhatt and Anirban Bhattacharyya from Transcend - a national nonprofit dedicated to accelerating innovation in the core design of “school.” They have a vision for creating extraordinary, equitable learning environments.
Listen as our guests unpack the design process and share their belief that schools interested in innovative change are not alone, and are in fact, a part of a revolutionary movement that is accelerating in education.
12:00 “Another advantage of a holistic blueprint is that not only are the pieces sometimes going in different directions and suffer from each other, they’re often not even in the same place, and so you can’t even go and learn (from each other), and so, a lot of times, there are messy sub-systems where you can see that, manage that, and create a plan to get them in sync.” Sujata
15:20 “If a school worked with us, we’d put together a design team...and they would go through (a discovery process) to find out why things are not working, rather than continually designing small fixes and bandaids that don’t necessarily impact the whole system.” Sujata
18:10 “We’re really good at taking a ton of research and distilling it into useable resources that turn people into designers rather than passive receivers and absorbers of information.” Sujata
25:10 “As more schools and systems start to think about the need for and urgency for redesign, and as there are more codified models there so that everyone doesn’t have to start from scratch - when we can bring the 2 (demand and supply) together - then there is the opportunity for strong acceleration.” Sujata
28:15 “I think the most important thing is to start with your students, parents, teachers, and community members and at every step to constantly communicate on what are their hopes and wishes and wants and needs. Starting with the users... has been a transformative process for many of the schools we have worked with... before starting any design process... so that the diverse voices of the community are present in the design process.”Anirban
Here are some resources mentioned in our discussion:
How Edtech Can Help Build a Blueprint for Real Change in K-12 -
KIPP Houston Public Schools
New Tech High School -
Big Picture Learning -
Intrinsic Schools -
Van Ness Elementary School -
Ted Fujimoto at Landmark Consulting -
Where to learn more about the guest:
Transcend -
Transcend Blog -
Sujata at Linkedin -
Sujata’s linked websites -
Sujata at Twitter - SujataBhatt
Anirban’s at Linkedin -
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