Grow Your Enrollment Through Social Media Branding

Times have changed, and many schools are finding that they need to engage in strong branding strategies to thrive in today's market.

With new schools opening their doors every second month, you have to focus on getting the word out, grabbing market share and keeping it.

Why are some schools winning the enrollment game while others are losing? Abundant funding or a large endowment? Convenient location?
Great facilities? Perfect college acceptance rates?
Star teachers?

Sure all these things are very important.
But some schools have only some (or even none) of these and have seen an upsurge in enrollment.
They aren't just surviving; they're doing even better than before.
How is this possible?

They are strategically investing in their school's brand.

You're now thinking: "Okay, but building our brand can be really expensive."
Well not really... True, traditional media can be very expensive.
But radio, billboards, and TV are so 'last century' anyway.
Today’s parents and students live here on Facebook and on other social platforms.

In fact, getting your message in front of them is more affordable and effective than ever.
Social media branding can engage your students and grow your enrollment like never before in history.

Now picture this: You enjoy full access to the best, end-to-end system for school branding and student recruitment. Set it and forget it.
Your school shows up everywhere, represented in the best way possible.
Teachers, students, and parents are proud, sharing, liking, commenting.
You can't believe you were about to invest in a billboard to spread the word.
This is a fraction of the usual marketing cost and is reaching over 40,000 families in a 10-mile radius.

Your message starts buzzing throughout your community, creating awareness & engagement you have never seen before.
The inquiries and expressions of interest begin.
Phones ringing. Emails. Facebook messages. Pouring in.

So, you’ve tried flyers, radio, and billboards to get the word out and bring new parents to your school — now it’s time to try online marketing with Enrollhand.

Ready to drive enrollment in today’s marketing world?