The Great School Marketing Debate: Rational Versus Emotional

Imagine one day you arrive at your school at 8 am as parents and buses are dropping off your students. You walk into your office to a ringing phone.

You pick up, and a top account executive from Ogilvy & Mather, the world's finest advertising agency, introduces herself in a friendly voice.  
She tells you that, as part of their CSR, her Board has decided to offer your school free, year-long unlimited advertising to grow your enrollment.

What's your first move?

Start blasting your community with all the great things you've been doing for your students and families?

You first have to build your school's story...

All countries, cultures, and socioeconomic segments have the same six universal emotions:


Your purpose as your school's storyteller is first to get your parent audience to feel one or more of these emotions.
If your story doesn't trigger any of them, then it's not really a story.
It's just a list of factual information about your school.