Ask for Social Shares on Your 'Thank you' Pages...
Most school websites send email subscribers to a generic 'thank you' page that doesn't give them any additional action to take.
We recommend a strategy that replaces your "dead end" thank you page with one that offers new subscribers a bonus parenting resource in exchange for sharing a pre-written social post.
The result? At least 40% of your new parent subscribers will share your post and send you warm referral traffic from social media.
You may instead use your 'thank you' page to collect additional 'optional' information such as a cell number or a survey about their current school choice and preferences.
We do something similar for our prospects...
When a school leader inquires about our services or registers on our webinar, they are redirected to a page confirming receipt/registration and asking them to apply to our Facebook group.
This builds trust and increases the chances that they will attend the webinar and/or pick up the phone when we call them back.
What if your inquiries were redirected to a testimonial video with a few parents & students vouching for your school?
Or even better a short clip from your Head of School describing last year's achievements and explaining the next steps in the inquiry the process...
The point is this: continue asking parents to take action even after the first inquiry...
The second action could also have a thank you page asking for something more... and so on and so forth...
On the one hand, you may get referral traffic.
On the other hand, the deeper they go, the higher the chances you'll connect with them over the phone.
More actions lead to better recall and a deeper commitment to the process...
Makes sense?